Adult ministry
Join in one of the many meaningful ways to love, live, and share Christ in adult ministry. We gather in focus groups, life groups, Sunday School, service teams and many other opportunities.
Connections | Small Groups, Focus Groups and Ministry Teams
There a numerous ways to get connected at Holy Trinity. Anything from being apart of a caring conversation in a small group, to learning more about specific topics in relation to your faith, to serving on a team to offer your gifts to improve and further the ministries at Holy Trinity, there is a place for you to be connected! Please reach out to the leaders or office if you would like to participate or if you are interested in starting a small group of your own!
Adult Forum
Held during the Sunday School Hour when Sunday School is in session, Adult Forum explores issues and topics that help our living faith. Topics have included the mission fields of the Church, mental health awareness for young and old, Bible history, and a variety of other topics. Sometimes the Wired Word, biblical perspectives ripped right out of today's headlines, provides the basis of our discussions. When we are using the Wired Word, a link will take you each Thursday to the current topic. Just click the link and go to study ahead of our Sunday time together.
Small Group Ministry
Adult Forum, Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m.
During Sunday School time, adults are encouraged to meet together for conversation and education surrounding various themes. Recent topics have included the "Foundations of Our Faith" (a historical look at Scriptures and culture) and a discussion on basic Lutheranism in a modern context.
Agape Prayer Group, Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m.
Our Agape Prayer Group meets Tuesday mornings outside on the church patio or in the sanctuary, based on season. Everyone is invited to join in, but we'd appreciate knowing beforehand that you're interested in participating. We gather for conversation, prayer, and friendship! Please email the office for the zoom link or to express your interest.
Women's Ministry
Laughing Out Loud Small Group, Wednesdays at 9 a.m.
Ladies, BYOC (bring your own coffee!) for this lighthearted hour of fellowship on Wednesday mornings either inside or outside on the patio based on the season. There will be no formal lesson or schedule, but there will be laughter!
Women's Bible Study
The Spring Women’s Bible Study will begin April 4th this year. The study will be based in Ruth and called “Living God’s in Will: A Guide to Decision-Making.” Books are $7.50 and the class will run about 7 weeks. Contact Kathy Stickney (319-936-0231) to register.
Men's Ministry
Men's Bible Study
Pastor Ron Schardt invites men of the congregation to a weekly one-hour Bible study. The study is very informal. The group will read a small section from the Bible and talk about it using prepared discussion questions. When the hour is about done, we will end with prayer. No pressure on anyone! If you are interested, please call or email the church office. The group currently meets Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. We look forward to establishing a time of prayer with you!