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Mission & Vision

Our Church is convinced that God’s people are called to
Love, Live, and Share Christ.

Loving Christ

Scripture is loaded with explicit examples calling disciples to love God and love Christ. We do so because God first loved us – and does so unconditionally, modelling such an ethic in the gift of Jesus. And we do so both in community, and individually. When we are together, the primary form is in worship – when we humble ourselves in prayer and heartfelt praise. Yet we don’t check our brains at the door – rather, we open ourselves to listening afresh to God’s Word, wrestling honestly with its implications for our day. Worship is also where we experience God’s commitment to us made visible in Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. And in the process, we are built up in our faith and formed in our Christian identity. Outside of worship, each of us is called to further our love for Christ through the practice of personal spiritual disciplines, which give the Holy Spirit a language with which to encourage our discernment.




We believe we are freed by what Jesus has done for us. Our community always seeks to better understand what it means to live in Christ in our particular context. That happens first and foremost through the integrity with which we approach our daily work – visible in how we do what we already do! We then enhance our witness by praying with and for each other, caring for and listening to the voices of those most vulnerable around us, sharing our abundant resources, and opening ourselves up to further transformation and spiritual growth.




We understand ourselves as having been “blessed to be a blessing,” so we strive to intentionally put others first, and seek to be the hands, feet, and voice of the broken in our world, Johnson County, and North Liberty in particular. All are welcomed to the grace of God at Holy Trinity, following the example of Jesus, who sought not only the spiritual superstars of his day, but the broken, the labeled, and the disenfranchised. Whether you’ve been going to Church your whole life, have never been to Church, consider yourself ’spiritual’ but not ‘religious’, or you’re not sure what you believe, we would love to welcome you! Whether you consider yourself rich or poor, politically liberal or politically conservative, abused or an abuser, “traditional” or “contemporary” - you are God’s child, and your presence is valued at Holy Trinity. And as such, you will be challenged to grow here as a child of God. Christ sets us free from the power of our sin, and grants a daily opportunity to follow Jesus afresh. Come experience this community of love - a community that accepts you just as you are, yet loves you far too much to let you stay there! Come worship with us, or come to one of our ministry events!

Living Christ

Sharing Christ

Our Vision

We are: A spirit-driven, vibrant, passionate community welcoming people of every walk of life and faith.


We seek to:

  • Love, live, and share Christ by intentionally embracing a model of a fully relational church, 24/7 in all of our ministries.

  • Share and nurture collaborative leadership across all generations.

  • Create and expand opportunities for more generous investment and serving in North Liberty.

  • Encourage all participants to connect, grow, and serve in small group and large group ministries.

  • Strive for excellence throughout our ministries.


Evidenced by: Our discipleship grows by 15% per year to over 400 distinct individuals engaged in ministry each week and a growing online presence.


So That: The hope, promise, and unconditional love of Christ is increasingly evident in our communities and beyond because of us.

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