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Worship Assistants

There's a lot happening in worship at Holy Trinity, and it truly is the work of the people that makes it so! We would welcome your assistance in any number of capacities that make worship possible. Those include ushers, greeters, lectors, communion assistants, altar guild help, A/V operators, fellowship hosts, and acolytes. Cantors (songleaders) and musicians are also welcome to audition, and nursery caregivers are always appreciated!


If you are new among us and are interested in serving in any worship assistant role, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Thanks in advance for helping us make ALL of this possible!

Servant Roles

-All of these positions are open to youth, adults, and families-

Greeters - Welcome all who gather together for worship at either of the church entries (front door or side doors). You are needed 15 minutes prior to worship and we ask that you serve as a host introducing new comers that you greeted to the HT Community after worship for approximately 15 minutes.


Lectors - Read the selected scriptures during worship as provided to you earlier in the week by the church office. 


Communion assistants - Following the Ministers of the Table guidelines, serve Holy Communion with the pastors. 


Ministers of the Table - Following the Ministers of the Table guidelines, set the table for the Sacraments during Worship.


Acolytes - Youth (beginning at 3rd grade) are invited to light the candles on the altar prior to the beginning of worship. Need to be present no less than 20 minutes prior to the start of worship.


Nursery Caregivers - Working with a paid child care provider, adults and youth are needed to provide care of preschoolers during worship. Need to arrive 15 minutes prior to start of worship.

Ushers - Assist in worship inside the sanctuary: hand out bulletins, after the reading of the scriptures - record attendance of all who are present in the sanctuary and nursery, assist the acolyte to light candles, assist with collecting offering, invite people to come forward for Holy Communion, and, at the end of worship, straighten up for the next worship service. 


Sunday Morning Fellowship hosts - Set up refreshments to be served immediately following worship.  Instructions on how to make coffee and set-up are provided during your first time (you are mentored) and on the bulletin board in the kitchen. You do not need to bake or purchase food; you are setting up refreshments that have been catered and serving coffee/food.


Wednesday Evening Meal Team - Assist with serving a meal at Wednesday Youth Night (WYN). Need to be available 30 minutes prior to the meal being served at 6:00 and remain for clean up beginning at 6:30 p.m.


Songleaders - Work alongside the Praise Band, sing songs during worship. Songleaders and rehearsals are scheduled by the Lead Pastor.


Musicians and Praise Band - Working alongside Songleaders, provide musical support for songs during worship. Lead Pastor schedules Praise Band participants and rehearsals.

Worship Assistant Form

Thanks for submitting!

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