Covid-19 updateS
August 8, 2021 Update
On behalf of the congregation's Visioning Council, I am sharing with you the continued commitment to follow CDC guidelines for the safety of one another during COVID-19. We realize that the gift from God in science does mean that we trust that science is always gathering new information. Therefore, we adapt and are flexible with the practical guidance that is offered by the CDC for worshipping communities.
Following CDC guidelines while monitoring the growing numbers of new cases of COVID-19, we will encourage the wearing of masks whenever individuals are inside the church building. We ask that all individuals do their very best in wearing a mask. Be part of the miracle and, if possible, get vaccinated. We will continue safe distancing. Pastors and readers will not wear masks when speaking from the carpeted area inside the sanctuary. We will continue to offer online worship. We will continue to make plans for Fall Ministries and will share those plans with you as they are made available. It is our prayer you will lift up the leadership of Holy Trinity as well our communities throughout this area and beyond.
Trusting all the way,
Pastor Katie
June 13, 2021 Update
As a continuation of our on-going COVID response, we will continue to follow the CDC guidelines with an abundance of caution.
We will invite all individuals to be part of the solution by being vaccinated as they are able to do so. We are mindful that children under 12 years of age and those with some health concerns may not be able to be vaccinated.
We will celebrate with a gracious response that the CDC states that individuals who have been fully vaccinated no longer need to wear masks.
We will continue to register, check-in, limit movement in the sanctuary, and continue to arrange seating for safe-distancing as desired by individuals in attendance.
We will meet outdoors for Fellowship so all may be able to join in.
We will not yet provide child care.
We will continue to provide an online worship option through Facebook Live, YouTube, and our web site for those who feel most comfortable worshiping at home.
We pray, God of all creation, stir within us compassion and care for one another that reflects our humbled walk as your children whose lives are always made new and whole through your gift of love and grace. We pray all things in your name, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen
April 9, 2021 Update
Our staff and council are working diligently to welcome you to gathering in person at Holy Trinity – with plenty of safety measures in effect. Our process looks like this:
We need individuals to sign up for worship assistant roles on the Sign-up Genius link found in your Friday email. It will require many new and experienced hands to gather, so let’s together make this happen!
On Sunday, April 18, weather-permitting, we will be offering a chance to gather together outside for fellowship and refreshments. We have an accessible, shaded, and newly designated space for that purpose! Weather permitting, come check it out anytime between 9:00-10:30 a.m. This will continue during subsequent weeks. No advance notice required.
On Sunday, April 25, we will gather in the sanctuary for worship and Holy Communion at two services of up to 25 families each. Worship times will be 8:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. Masking and spacing are required, yet families can sit together. Movement will be minimized to help ensure a safe space for all and fellowship will be outside only. We strongly encourage advance sign-up for these services in order to best assure that we can honor space constraints. Register online today! If you have any challenges or questions, please reach out to the office at 319-665-2200.
Through this process, we hope to establish a rhythm that can extend through the summer months, yet we hope that you’ll understand if we need to adjust one segment for the sake of the whole. We plan to continue an online worship offering as well, currently on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. on Facebook or anytime on our worship services page. Watch for more details moving forward on how to connect in that way.
See you soon!
Fall 2020 Update:
With the implications of COVID-19 now clearer than ever, we’ve needed to maintain our prior diligence with regard to in-person programming. But as both the arrival of available vaccines begin to spread, we hope that you’ll make a point of resurrecting a practice of Sunday a.m. worship! Join us on FB Live each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. until the day arrives when we restore our in-person options!
As awareness continues to unfold in our community relative to the spread of COVID 19, our staff and leaders are monitoring CDC recommendations closely, listening and praying constantly, and making decisions for the well-being of all, as best we can. We are doing what we can to balance all concerns and heed the experts around us.
Please know that our staff and leadership have been working diligently and with an abundance of caution and courage to help us:
“Be the church” in all of the ways we can imagine during this crisis
Serve, protect, and be sensitive to the most vulnerable in our midst and in the community as a whole.
Practice life together according to CDC and WHO guidelines
Worship, grow, fellowship and serve together using online resources
Plan for a phased process of eventual regathering
Our Phased process includes four immediate components:
Use of and access to church offices and ministry areas.
Gatherings of groups from within and beyond the congregation, other than weekly worship.
Initial attempts to gather outdoors for worship, while broadcasting to cars in the lot, hosting a weekly “live” Zoom broadcast and continuing to offer a recorded service available anytime.
Eventually, a step toward indoor worship, albeit with restrictions for size, distancing, singing, and other aspects
Our Current Criteria relative to Phasing is as follows:
To be prepared for and implemented when:
The number of new cases and COVID-19 deaths have both declined for at least 14 days until it reaches a threshold of perceived insignificance. (Phases 2 & 3)
The number of new cases and COVID-19 deaths have both declined for at least 35 days until it reaches a threshold of perceived insignificance. (Phase 4)
Rapid diagnostic testing capacity is sufficient to test, at minimum, all people with COVID-19 symptoms, including mild cases, as well as their close contacts and those in essential roles. (Phases 2-4)
The health care system is able to safely care for all patients, including providing appropriate personal protective equipment for health care workers. (Phases 2-4)
While we want to and look forward to gathering together physically as much as anyone, we will still encourage those most vulnerable or at risk of contracting or spreading the infection to remain in isolation and worship from home, or to worship within their vehicles when that is an option. We miss you! Join us in any way you are able in the meantime!
a message from our leadership
As we work our way through temporary inconveniences for the sake of the health of all, we remind you that “church” is not where we go once each week, it's who we ARE. Together, as Church, we will pray and sing and carry each other along as well as our most vulnerable friends and neighbors, trusting in the mercy of God and in the desire for the well-being of all creation. Meanwhile, your continued support of the developing needs of our local ministries as well as our shared mission here are both appreciated, as you are able, in these times! Offerings can still be made electronically through the Vanco link on our website or by a check mailed to the office. Thank you for all the ways you are being Church both inside and outside our building. Stay tuned as we continue to update you about events, and don't hesitate to call with your questions.
Let’s pray… Lord, in these trying and challenging times, help us to be mindful of our own fragility and that of our neighbors. As we seek to be good citizens and neighbors, teach us to lean on our faith, to refrain from oversimplifying or complicating the issues at hand, to practice grace, and to look for ways to be your hands, feet, and voice in the meantime. We ask your presence with all public servants and those on the front lines of responding to the current crisis. Help us to do our part – no matter how small that may seem to be. May Christ guide us in all our efforts. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Together in Christ,
The Holy Trinity Visioning Council, Pastors, and Staff
Our children’s, youth, and adult small group ministries are gathering and providing resources in various ways! Please visit the banner under ‘Ministries’ for videos and more information on specific ministries.