Dear Siblings in Christ,
We are mid-stream into a summer of worship, fellowship, and daily service. For months, we have experienced a season personally and as well as a church community that has been surrounded and complicated by many unknowns. However, we have greeted this season with humility, with open hearts and hands, and together we have trusted the promise that we have been bathed with a confidence in and through the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ that all things are indeed possible. We have found ways to meet in person, to serve alongside of one another, to reach out to those who are lonely or in need of compassion, as well as prayerfully ask the question, "Lord, how are we 'the Church' in these uncertain times?" I believe we have answered the question together. We do all things through the One who strengthens us beyond our own understandings, but freely infuses our thoughts and prayers into action of compassion.
In about a week, Pastor Tim and Lisa will return to us from their 3-month sabbatical of renewal and discovery. We look forward to pausing in the busyness of our lives and listen to stories from their travels as well as share in our time here at Holy Trinity. Together, we give thanks for God’s continued presence in each and everyone’s story of grace.
On behalf of the congregation's Visioning Council, I am sharing with you the continued commitment to follow CDC guidelines for the safety of one another during COVID-19. We realize that the gift from God in science does mean that we trust that science is always gathering new information. Therefore, we adapt and are flexible with the practical guidance that is offered by the CDC for worshipping communities.
Following CDC guidelines while monitoring the growing numbers of new cases of COVID-19, we will encourage the wearing of masks whenever individuals are inside the church building. We recognize the challenges may be difficult for very young children. We ask that all individuals do their very best in wearing a mask. Be part of the miracle and, if possible, get vaccinated. We will continue safe distancing. Pastors and readers will not wear masks when speaking from the carpeted area inside the sanctuary. We will continue to offer online worship. We will continue to make plans for Fall Ministries and will share those plans with you as they are made available. It is our prayer you will lift up the leadership of Holy Trinity as well our communities throughout this area and beyond.
Trusting all the way,
Pastor Katie