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Go into the World: Salvation

Dear Friends,

We are sharing news and reflections this week. Please read through the entire e-news today. Together we pray and reflect on the happenings in our community and in the lives of those who are hurting from war and fleeing to safety around the world.

Peace to you always,

Pastor Katie and Pastor Tim

A Litany for Lent

by Franciscan Mission Service

We fast from judging others, but feast on patience. We fast from apparent differences, but feast on unity of all life. We fast from the words that pollute, but feast on words that affirm. We fast from complaining, but feast on appreciation. We fast from bitterness and anger, but feast on forgiveness and mercy. We fast from discouragement, but feast on hope. We fast from suspicion, but feast on trust. We fast from idle gossip, but feast on purposeful silence. We fast from problems that overwhelm, but feast on prayer that strengthens. Pastor Katie used this prayer with her sermon on Ash Wednesday. It is presented here as you contemplate your Lenten discipline and how you might respond to the salvation God has prepared for us.

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