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Let the Church Arise: Unity

Dear Friends,

Oh, how good it is to be able to reach out to you and call you friends. So friend, we ask one another: what would we do – for a friend?

  • Would we be willing to attend worship together? Not for our sake but out of gratitude, longing to be community, and humbly to witness love for one another?

  • Would we be willing to CHANGE THE TIME OF WORSHIP on Sundays to 9:00 a.m. and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. so that we could gather together and ALL would feel a sense of belonging?

  • Would we be willing to be a community where we dwell with one another’s stories as God dwells in our own real lives this very day?

  • Would we be willing to be a friend who will take up the call to be a voice piece and a witness through our acts so all will know God’s mercy, compassion, and grace?

Let’s take this journey together through prayer, scripture, sharing of the meal, and the lifting up of our voices. If you haven’t been in worship for a while, come this Sunday or Wednesday. Say "yes" to the nudge by the Holy Spirit to engage in worship and fellowship together with hearts of gratitude. Gather with hearts that are confused, hurting, or outraged. Come if your heart is longing and/or searching to belong. God is with you, now and always.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Katie

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