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Rejoice! Again I Say Rejoice!

The Visioning Council and staff have been attempting to make the best decisions we can regarding gathering for worship while at the same time balancing staff responsibilities in multiple ministry areas. After much discussion and deliberation, here is our plan for the month:

  • This Sunday, Oct 11, is predicted to be a beautiful day and will mark our LAST outdoor service of the fall. While our canopies are down, there should be plentiful radiant heat in which to bask. In-vehicle worship is still an option if you’d rather be in the shade. We’ll share Holy Communion and continue our focus on the current “Upside Down” sermon series. We truly hope that you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to join us one way or the other at 9:00 a.m.!

  • Our pre-recorded worship will still be available on-demand via the website on Sunday morning. We’ll still be live-streaming the 9:00 a.m. outdoor service on Facebook Live if you’d feel that is the best way for you to participate this week.

The good news – we’re making major headway on equipping our facility for streaming services in future weeks from indoors. You can once again experience the familiarity of the sanctuary, even if virtually. The bad news – it’s going to take additional willing volunteers to be present each week to make that streaming all that we need it to be – both during Covid restrictions and beyond.

If you are at ALL interested in helping to operate a video camera, learn the production process, staff the sound board, advance worship slides, or simply monitor the Facebook feed, we will be NEEDING you in coming weeks. Watch for a new Sign-up genius link on our website and in future E-blasts. Meanwhile, shoot me an e-mail expressing your interest or curiosity in any of these vital roles. Church looks and feels different right now, but we want to make our worship life together as rich as it can be – both for us and for those well beyond our congregation who are in need of a word of hope and encouragement!

Hope that you can be present with us this weekend in whatever way you can! 

Pastor Tim

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