Dear Friends,
With the recent beautiful weather, have you had an opportunity to be outdoors to watch a sporting event or pull over to behold the white pelicans dwelling at the reservoir? Maybe you have been taking a stroll on one of the many trails or sidewalks or sitting on your patio in your favorite chair. Maybe you have been dining outside with family or friends nearby and connecting and chatting about a variety of topics! Hold that thought for a moment and envision this…
Jesus was walking with his disciple into a city called Capernaum. Along the way they had chatted about many things. Jesus overheard them and asked, “What were you arguing about on the way?” (Mark 9:33)
According to the scriptures, the disciples were silent because what they had been arguing about was who of them was the greatest. Jesus once again scratched his head, sat down, looked at them, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35)
I think Jesus could have simply scolded the disciples and possibly even turned them away. Instead, he invited them once again into a mission to be a compassionate servant by using the example of inviting a child into his loving arms of mercy. He said then and still says today, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcome me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” (Mark 9:36-37)
Jesus invited the disciples to take on the role of a servant, not for their sake, but for the sake of one another, like that of a child. What would you do if Jesus was right here, right now, asking you to love all the children of God with your hands, your feet, and your voice?
This is Week 2 of our series, God’s Work, Our Hands. Together, we consider the many ways we are invited to stand up and step into a servant-hearted role here inside the walls of the church known as Holy Trinity and the Church that has no walls at all!
The invitation is clear; the time is now! You are invited into a God-size opportunity to serve in ways that may seem unfamiliar but are so needed for the sake of God’s children. Please, check out the many ways to serve on this link. WE NEED YOU!
We pray for you, your household, our medical professionals, our educational teams, co-workers, family, neighbors, strangers, and friends. We pray for healing and compassion for all who are ill and those who have yet to join in the miracle to prevent the spread of COVID in our homes and communities. Lord, in your mercy, hear our Prayers.
Blessings to you always,
Pastor Katie