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Us & Them: A New Sermon Series

This weekend, we begin a new sermon series called “Us and Them,” based on a book by Brian McLaren called The Seventh Story. McLaren is a widely read Christian theologian looking to help move the church into new paradigms of ministry. Through fables for adults, The Seventh Story looks at six repeating themes in human history and posits a more loving and caring approach to human interactions.

We are fortunate that our newly elected bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, the Reverend Amy Current, will be our preacher as we open this series. To prepare for her sermon, you might want to read our Scriptures for the weekend, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 and Luke 18:9-14, in preparation for worship. Thank you, Bishop Current, for bringing us the good news of Jesus Christ this weekend.

Breaking down the barriers between us and them is something that many in the congregation do without realizing it. Ministries like the Bread Basket ministry and acts of kindness to your physical neighbors help show the world the love of Christ. One of your neighbors responded to the love of Christ that you showed in your daily interactions with her with a gift for the ministry of this congregation in your honor. Public acclaim is not the goal of our acts of kindness; our goal is bringing other souls to Jesus that they might find healing and love. Thank you for all you do!

In the announcements below, you will see other opportunities this week and in weeks to come in which we share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Please consider how you will respond. Last weekend, the blood drive collected 11 pints of love for our neighbors. Think out of the box in these trying times to share the love of God with others. “And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)

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