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ADVENt 2021

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Advent is upon us! We invite you to participate with Holy Trinity in marking the days before Christmas. Whether joining in servant events at church or with your family, listening to songs of the season and reading scripture, or gathering for worship, we hope you'll Come Home with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church this year!

Throughout the month we will be serving together and encouraging involvement in and support of various local organizations including: Houses into Homes, North Liberty Community Pantry, Lutheran Immigration Refugee Services/ Lutheran Services in Iowa, and Safe Families. Scroll down for readings, music, and to learn more about these organizations as we move through the month. 

Week 1:  Come Home to Love

Week 2:  Come Home to Joy

Week 3:  Come Home to Peace

Week 4: Come Home to Hope

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Click to view and print our family Advent calendar, with a month full of kindness and servant ideas!

Staff invites you for a brief midweek prayer service on Wednesdays at noon throughout Advent. You are welcome to bring a boxed lunch to eat after the service. WYN (Wednesday Youth Night) worship, lessons, and service projects are at 6:30 p.m. each week.


Join us for Christmas Eve worship in the sanctuary at 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 or 7:00 p.m., on Facebook Live at 1:30 service, or online after 4:00.

Please note: masks are required inside the church building.

advent week

Come Home
to Love

Scripture Reading

Jeremiah 33:14-16

The Message



Luke 21:25-36

The Message


Believe (Instrumental)David Behr

Original music © David Behr

Believe (Vocal)David Behr

Original music © David Behr

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Advent week

Come home
to Joy


Scripture Reading

Zephaniah 3:14-20

The Message



Close to Home HarpRichard Tiegs

Original music by Richard Tiegs

Do You HearDavid Behr

© 1962 Jewel Music Publishing,

performed by David Behr


Advent Week

Come Home
To Peace


Scripture Reading

Isaiah 2: 1-5

Silent Night (Instrumental)David Behr

Performed by David Behr

King of LoveArr. by Richard Tiegs

Arrangement by Richard Tiegs

Advent Week

Come Home
To hope


Scripture Reading

Luke 1: 46-55

Mary Did You KnowPerformed by David Behr

 © Mark Lowry/Buddy Greene

Performed by David Behr

Safe Families 

Iowa City/Cedar Rapids

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