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Dear Friends,

Oh, how good it is to be able to reach out to you and call you friends. So friend, we ask one another: what would we do – for a friend?

  • Would we be willing to attend worship together? Not for our sake but out of gratitude, longing to be community, and humbly to witness love for one another?

  • Would we be willing to CHANGE THE TIME OF WORSHIP on Sundays to 9:00 a.m. and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. so that we could gather together and ALL would feel a sense of belonging?

  • Would we be willing to be a community where we dwell with one another’s stories as God dwells in our own real lives this very day?

  • Would we be willing to be a friend who will take up the call to be a voice piece and a witness through our acts so all will know God’s mercy, compassion, and grace?

Let’s take this journey together through prayer, scripture, sharing of the meal, and the lifting up of our voices. If you haven’t been in worship for a while, come this Sunday or Wednesday. Say "yes" to the nudge by the Holy Spirit to engage in worship and fellowship together with hearts of gratitude. Gather with hearts that are confused, hurting, or outraged. Come if your heart is longing and/or searching to belong. God is with you, now and always.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Katie

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This week we are highlighting and honoring the graduates in our midst, including well over a dozen who are completing their high school education. This fall, they will be scattering to join the work force or continue their education, from Iowa City and Ames, to Oklahoma and Las Vegas. But for the moment, we have the chance to celebrate their achievements. While some were (will be) honored at Wednesday night’s WYN worship service, others will be part of worship this Sunday. We hope that you’ll join us!

Meanwhile, a host of serving opportunities beckon on the near horizon. We eagerly hope that you’ll step forward for one or more ways in we live out our calling to “share Christ.”

  1. Our spring Blood Drive with Impact Life takes place this Saturday (5/14 - note the date clarification). We still have several open slots to sign up for donating! Go to their website at to claim your appointment!

  2. The Catherine McAuley Center is continuing their vital work to resettle Afghan refugees. Only three volunteers offered to help last week; we need to rectify that if we can! Visit their website at (near the bottom of the page) if you have a couple of hours to spare this Saturday, 12-3pm.

  3. Next weekend (May 20-21), voting members from across southeast Iowa will gather in Coralville for our first in-person Synod Assembly in two years! Unfortunately, both of our registered Council members now have conflicts that prevent them from attending; we are seeking other eager volunteers who would like to attend and learn with us! Interested? Please contact me at if you’d like more info! We need you!

  4. Meanwhile, we are still significantly shy of willing worship assistants to help us staff our Sunday morning services in ways that are welcoming, warm, and evident of a shared ministry. If you’d be willing to serve as an usher, greeter, welcome station host, “busy bags” renewer, communion assistant, or reader, please let the office know ASAP at

  5. And last but not least, the Facilities Team is seeking helping hands to assist with scattering some mulch on our raised berm and mowing our Detention Pond this summer on a rotating basis. If you’d be willing to help with either project, please contact Bill Gelhaus at 319-325-6641.

Hope to see in worship meanwhile and don’t forget our engaging current Adult Forum series, “Listening in Love,” being offered again this weekend!

Another pilgrim in faith,

Pastor Tim

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Dear Friends,

Oh, it seems like, on every blog, newsletter, magazine cover, and so on and so on, folks are talking about busyness, time spent, time lost, and how we invest our time in general. We don’t need to compete, shame, or challenge one another on how we spend time. Honestly, that is rarely inspiring or helpful. But rather, together we give space to and for one another as we celebrate that God gave us all the same 24 hours and calls us to pause and give thanks for the gift of this very day.

In our passage this Sunday, we will talk about a lovely passage from the Gospel of John 21:1-19. Jesus told this small group, “Come and have breakfast.” (v 12), meaning “come and spend time with me.” He invited them, in their own ways, to trust God to be with each of them in the everyday and the extraordinary moments of their lives. After the meal, he tells them to “Feed my sheep.” (v 17). Jesus doesn’t say some sheep; he says, “feed my sheep.” He ends his message with this invitation, “Follow me.” (v19)

In our busyness, in our calm, in our fear, in our burdens, in our joys, and in our every ordinary day and the extraordinary ones too, God is with us! This is our very Good News!

I invite you to make the time this Saturday (rain or shine) and join the Mental Health Advocacy Team as they walk for NAMI (see more information at the bottom of this message).

I want to thank Pastor Tim, our amazing team of adult youth leaders, tech and praise team for a year of heart-soaring Wednesday Youth Night Worship. Thank you to our parents for keeping WYN on the family calendar! Today, with arms raised, arms around one another, loud noises, quiet moments, one last servant project and lots of sharing of highs and lows, we bid farewell to yet another amazing year together. Please go to our website and check out the summer Children, Youth and Family opportunities.

Pastor Katie

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